The GOOD-AS-GOLD Certificate program enables participating Virlina District Church of the Brethren congregations to help their youth and children pay for a week of summer camp at Camp Bethel. Ask your congregation's Camp Representative or your Pastor if your church participates in the Good-As-Gold program.
Families receiving Good-As-Gold funding from congregations can register as normal either by paper form OR online. Be sure to indicate what congregation you will be receiving GAG funding from on your registration form. For online camp registration, your family will be "billed" directly for your summer camp balance due. Payment of your balance due can include Good-As-Gold forms, but ONLY IF your congregation is participating in the G-A-G program.
Families receiving Good-As-Gold funding from congregations can register as normal either by paper form OR online. Be sure to indicate what congregation you will be receiving GAG funding from on your registration form. For online camp registration, your family will be "billed" directly for your summer camp balance due. Payment of your balance due can include Good-As-Gold forms, but ONLY IF your congregation is participating in the G-A-G program.