Financial Assistance to attend Winter Camp
Camperships = Financial Assistance: A limited fund for partial or full camperships is available. Maximum Winter Camp campership per child is $25. If your family needs financial assistance in order for your child to attend Winter Camp, follow these instructions:
1. Decide how much you can afford to pay toward the fee. We ask families to pay as much as they can so that our Campership Fund can reach more families. Maximum campership per child is up to $25.
2. Communicate your exact requested amount of assistance to your pastor, social worker, agency worker, or school guidance counselor.
4. Have your pastor, social worker, agency representative, or school guidance counselor complete and submit this on-line Winter Camp Financial Assistance Application below BEFORE December 31.
5. Complete the on-line Winter Camp Registration Form.
Winter Camp Camperships are granted first-come, first-served, and camperships are currently only available through this Winter Camp Financial Assistance Application. Maximum campership per child is $25. A response email will inform families of granted campership requests.
Donations to Camp Bethel’s Campership Fund are always needed, and are fully tax-deductible.
1. Decide how much you can afford to pay toward the fee. We ask families to pay as much as they can so that our Campership Fund can reach more families. Maximum campership per child is up to $25.
2. Communicate your exact requested amount of assistance to your pastor, social worker, agency worker, or school guidance counselor.
4. Have your pastor, social worker, agency representative, or school guidance counselor complete and submit this on-line Winter Camp Financial Assistance Application below BEFORE December 31.
5. Complete the on-line Winter Camp Registration Form.
Winter Camp Camperships are granted first-come, first-served, and camperships are currently only available through this Winter Camp Financial Assistance Application. Maximum campership per child is $25. A response email will inform families of granted campership requests.
Donations to Camp Bethel’s Campership Fund are always needed, and are fully tax-deductible.